Friday, June 4

still standing...

Argh...Work has been such a chore lately. In the last 3 weeks, I have written 6 papers deciding funding issues for next year's budget. On the upside, we had a new analyst start this week. And, there's another newbie starting in 2 weeks! That means that I should have my workload let up a little bit. The person that started this week will be taking some of my assigned units so I'm really happy!

Also, I made it through a visit from my BF's father. He has come to town the last three years in a row. Usually, it's really good to see him...but, he likes to do tourist-y things. This year, like last year, he brought his girlfriend. And, the two them did a lot of thing by themselves. It was really kind of cool. We did meet them for dinner on Saturday. Then, on Sunday, we had them over to our apartment for dinner.

On Saturday, we took them to one of our favorite spots Rhumba Café for tapas. It went over better than expected. They were really cool and tried everything we ordered. Then, we went to Pharmacy...our favorite bar. All in all a good night.

On Sunday, Mr F brought over the stuff that he bought in Michigan and drove down with. It was really mundane stuff...16 rolls of paper towels, 24 rolls of TP, 4 jugs of laundry detergent, 4 gallons of bleach, 6 boxes kleenex, a paper shredder, a vat of cookies, and 5 bags of candy. We have managed find a home for the paper goods. Still need to stash the laundry products. And, a week later we're almost done with the about snack attack!

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