Monday, June 14

phase 1, day 8...

So, it's been a week on SB and so far I'm happy. I weighed in today and got a modest 138lbs. So, for the first week, that's a drop of 3.5lbs. It slowed over the weekend, but that's just 'cos I cheated a little.

My BF and I had both had Friday off so we just kind of hung our around the neighborhood. Got coffee in the afternoon; Picked up the ingredients to my new "drink of summer" the sidecar. Over the last month, I have been accumulating the bar tools to make this drink and now it was time to make some at home...which we did Saturday afternoon...tasty! So, I think the couple of drinks that I had on Saturday -- literally 2 -- probably threw a few things off.

But, I'm ready for week two! This week I'm also going to try to fit a 30 minute walk in everyday.

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