Wednesday, July 7

phase 2, day 10...

Over the holiday weekend, I took some liberties with the phase 2 food list. I drank way too many beers. I love this diet but I just can't give up the experience of a icy cold beer on a hot DC night. I know that if I cut out beer all together it would be really easy to drop pounds, but I need to keep some things that really bring me pleasure.

I weighed in Monday morning...136 lbs! That's down 1.5 lbs from the week before. I guess it's true that some people tend to loose faster in the 2nd phase. I'm trying to incorporate one starch and one serving of fruit each day. It seems to be working alright so far.

Unfortunately I didn't have much luck yesterday. I had half a cup of brown rice with chili for lunch and about an hour later I felt really run down and tired. Then I ate half an apple along with a tbsp of peanut butter for my afternoon snack. And, about half an hour later I felt like I wanted something to eat. So, I'm going to have to watch out for these foods. Perhaps I'm not ready for apples yet.

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