Thursday, July 22

no loss...

Well, I didn't loose any weight this week. I'm holding steady at 133. So, the good news is that I haven't gained back any weight!

I'm going down to Florida for the weekend to see my BF's parents. I'm going to try do my best to stick to the diet, but it is vacation after all. I did plan ahead for the plane ride today. I packed dinner and a snack for both of us. That way I won't have to eat the airport/plane food. Also, my BF's mom is usually fairly health conscious when it comes to cooking...Hey, she could even let me do some of the cooking if she wants a break.

When I get back I will probably head back to phase 1 for a few days. The idea of doing that seems weird since I've hardly added any starches or fruit to my daily routine. However, if I gain any weight back I will definitely cut them out for a few days.

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