Friday, July 16

i wasn't prepared for this...

I hadn't been thinking about this because I didn't really expect that I would loose weight this quickly -- not that 8.5 lbs in 6 weeks is all that fast. But I'm finding that clothes are really starting to hang off of me. For some items this is good. I don't feel constricted. But then there are some items that I've tried on and gotten kind of freaked out.

For example, I bought a pair of jeans in April while I was on vacation. It was before I even though of going on South beach and I was around 142 lbs at that point. I had to try on 8 pairs of jeans before finding the perfect know, not so tight that I felt self-conscious wearing them but just tight enough to look good. Well, I'm wearing those jeans today and I needed to put a belt on. They still look good but just not the same fit as in April.

I know that tons of girls would die for this problem...heck, even I'm really excited. I just never thought about the fact that I'm going to need to start buying new clothes.

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