Thursday, July 15

i'm a looser...

It's day 18 of phase 2...I got on the scale this morning and shining back at me was 133.0! I then got off the scale and did a little happy dance. I've made it past the half way mark.

I also had someone at work notice that I had lost weight. I don't really make a huge deal out of being on a diet. It's not that I'm ashamed, but I just don't want to deal with people asking question or looking down their noses because I decided to go on South Beach. Since, I have always brought my lunch and still do, people don't really notice that I'm eating differently. At the same time, it was nice to be paid a complement.

I'm also really excited because I'm going to visit my BF's family in Florida next week. I haven't been to a beach (or in a swimsuit) since high school. So, I went and bought a suit last week. I didn't buy anthing that great because I think I really need a swimsuit. Well, I've lost 2.5lbs since I bought the suit and all of my clothes have been hanging a little more. So, I think I'll be a bit more comfortable wearing it.

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