Wednesday, January 7

back for a new year...

I'm back and ready to start my new far it's been a little bumpy but I think I'll be able to get things flying right in no time. I'm usually really bad at sticking to resolution, but I feel that this would be the perfect place to declare them. I will claim victory on one resolutions from last year. I quit smoking! I'm not going to say that I was perfect...yes, I even cheated during the holidays. But, the daily habit is gone and the cravings don't bother me much.

This year I will work on the following:
1. Try to be a better friend to the people in my life
2. Become more active - biking, walking, perhaps yoga
3. Lose the 15-20 lbs I've been talking about for the last 3 years
4. Keep a neater/cleaner apartment
5. Clean out closets of old clothes/Create a more fitting wardrobe

What do you think? Are those reasonable!?

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