Thursday, January 8

the closet project shall begin...

I have decided that a lot of my wardrobe is of no use to me. When I first got out of school, I got a job working in an Internet ad firm. Needless to say, I was allowed to wear just about anything I wanted. So, I spent a large portion of my new income on cool know the ones that weren't being worn by "everyone." I also fed my habit for kitschy vintage/thrift pieces. Then I got laid off! And I've been trying to deal with my need to change my staple of jeans and funky shirts to a more office-appropriate mix of clothes. It's been about a year since I've had my new job and I really want to be able to wake up in the morning and feel like I have outfits that snap together without too much fuss.

To help in my effort, I asked for a copy of the Lucky Shopping Guide for Christmas. And, I got it! Like the magazine, it's full of great pictures of clothes that look like real people can wear. Also, like the magazine, I finished it very quickly. And, now I'm ready to start weeding out my closet. My plan of attack is to go chapter-by-chapter until I've covered all of the wardrobe basics. I believe there are about 10 chapters and the book starts with skirts. So, this weekend, I'm going to assess my skirts.

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