Friday, January 9

picking up the needles again...

So, I've had a couple of weeks off since finishing the Christmas gifts. Now I'm ready to dive into a new year of knitting. So far, I know that I'm going to be making Marsha from Rowan #34. I also think I'm going to make myself a super long scarf. I knew I wanted one but I avoided it because I had a nice scarf that I had crocheted years ago. Well, guess what! I lost my scarf over Christmas! (Actually I think I left it at my BF's sister's house, but I'll use any excuse I can muster). While I'm at it, I think I'll make myself a hat, too! I loved the one that I made for my cousin so much that I have to have one myself...Ooh! Ooh! and how 'bout a pair of those arm warmers!

I will probably also make my BF a scarf as a part of his Festivus gift. Of course, ours is nothing like the Seinfeld version. See, my BF and I met at the end of January in 1999 and had our first real date the first week of February. So, when our first anniversary was approaching it seemed really weird to buy gifts for Christmas, the anniversary, and Valentine's day...So, we have a tradition of rolling them all into on -- Festivus! I made him a scarf last year that had pockets at the ends. Of course, they add a lot of bulk when you wear it under a coat. This your I'll make him one without the pockets...maybe I'll even crochet this one.

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