Wednesday, January 21

LYS...need one closer!

In general I love the DC area. It's home for me. Most things are available by public transportation. So what if you have to go out to the suburbs every once in a while to get something special...Well to tell you the truth I'm kind of sick of this being the case. On Monday, I happened to be in Bethesda having lunch with my mom. Knowing that I wanted to get a cable needle, I had 2 choices. I could either hoof it down to Bruce Variety -- the closest thing to a five&dime left in the area -- or go to the LYS. I chose the latter. So up the steps I went at Knit and Stitch = Bliss. The location has been a yarn/needlework store for ages, though it has had a few different names. Well, I walked in to find that it's just as cramped as ever...although I'm sure many people would call it "cozy." And on the Monday holiday it was crowded with tons of ladies of all ages and a few hangers-on (getting in the way). I had no space to browse and no desire to see what was new in stock. I just got my needles and left.

Although it's a great store stocked with lovely yarns and top-notch supplies, it closes very early...5:30 pm, in fact. This makes it impossible for me to even think of dropping in after work. They do stay open a little later one night a week, but even then they close at 8:00. So, what I would like is a place to open in the city. There seem to be a few SnB groups starting up in DC. So, what's it going to take for someone to start a new store inside district lines?

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