Tuesday, December 30

i made it through christmas, but...

I'm not so sure about new year's! So everything worked it's way out to have one of the better Christmas days, ever! Christmas Eve was spent at my BF's sister's place. That was nice, and mostly quiet. Then I got up Saturday, and made food to bring to my parents' house...some last minute cookies and a rice pilaf.

My Mom's lunch was good, as usual. But late...as usual. She was still in her sweats when we got there. Needless to say, that's not how she wanted to be seen. Everyone loved their gifts, especially the hand knits stuff. I also got some great stuff...to tell you the truth, my family puts up wish lists, so I got exactly what I wanted.

Next was a quick stop by my grandmother's house. This was the low point of the day. Unfortunately, there is still some feuding going on between my dad's siblings. To accentuate the positive, I did get to see a few of my cousins that I haven't seen in a while. And, my grandmother really like the flowers that I brought her.

After that, I dropped my home to get rid of some leftovers and some excess baggage. Then, it was back to the sister's house. By the time I go there, my BF's family was pretty much drunk and in rare form. My family rarely serves drinks, not even wine with dinner. His family is as close the other end of the spectrum as you can get. We stayed up til about 2 am then passed out watching Space Ghost. The next morning I made the mistake of going shopping with BF's sister and mother. I've shopped with the sister before and that can be pretty enjoyable, but the two of them together was much too much.

To make a long story short, we went to the sister's on Friday and got conned into meeting for breakfast on Saturday morning. Got very little sleep that night. Had a great time Saturday night, when we saw the Carlsonics at the Black Cat. This was a super cool show. Not only is the band really good, but I got to hang out with on of my good friends from high school.

Finally, after spending much of Sunday recovering from the rolling hangover of the last 3 days, we had both families over to our apartment for dinner. Woohoo! I made it!

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