Thursday, January 15


So I've got a good start on Marsha and I'm getting the hang of the cable pattern. Unfortunately, I'm trying to get it done without a cable needle. I've been using a short dpn - thanks to Denise I've got tons of extras. But, I'm finding that it's just a little to long and dangles/twists when I'm working. So, it looks like I'm going to have to hunt down a cable needle this weekend.

Even with this inconvenience, I've made it through the first two pattern repeats and have started the decreases for the shaping at the hips. So far Kim Hargreave's pattern is very easy to follow. I have made a photo copy of the pattern so I can carry it with me on the bus. I also went ahead and crossed out the parts that don't apply to the size I'm knitting so that it's less distracting to the eye. It took me a few rows to get used to continuing the cable pattern while decreasing at the sides, but everything looks great.

I'm using Lion Brand's Alpaka -- The gauge fit perfectly! The label says that it should knit at 16st/23rows with size 8 needles. When I did my swatch I thought I was going to have to work with size 7 to get the 19st/25rows that the pattern called for. To my dismay this didn't work out. So I did a swatch with size 8 and the gauge was dead on!

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