Wednesday, October 8

weeping wednesday

So new tooth tuesday became tortured tuesday. I like the dentist who I'm going to to fix my tooth, but I have just one problem with her. She doesn't explain procedures to me. I'm not sure if she assumes that I already know what it takes to get to the final goal (having new tooth that looks real and natural) but she doesn't tell me what I'm in for. Last time I left her office I scheduled the appointment that was yesterday...She said "Next time we should be able to do your crown." and I thought she had taken a partial impression of my front tooth. So, I thought yesterday was going to just involve some bonding and shaping and there you have it, done! Shows what I know about dentistry. Yesterday ended up being the day they drill a post into the remaining portion of tooth and then grind off the rest to a frightening nub that will later be used to attach my porcelain crown.

And, boys and girls, it's even worse than the root canal. Now in terms of physical pain, but emotional trauma! I thought looking at the chip in the tooth was painful. I was wrong! This was the worst thing a girl could ever have to see. And, then to make things worse, I had to pick the color that I want my fake tooth to be. I just about lost it right there. Well, now it's going to be al least two more weeks before the fake tooth comes in, then i *hope* that's it.

The dentist sent me home with a temporary cap that just covers the little nub. It's roughly shaped from prefabricated caps. It looks better than walking around with a gaping whole, but it looks and feels like there's a big white tictac stuck where my tooth used to be. And, since my front teeth weren't perfectly straight to begin with, it just kind of sticks out because it is put on "straight." And just like a little girl, the second I got home I bawled like a little baby. I really can't bear this anymore...

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