Wednesday, October 22

Bugs moving in? I'm moving out!

Last night, right before BF was leaving for work and I was going to bed I spotted a yucky roach in our bathtub. I whimpered and cried like a girl and had BF go in to perform a removal ritual. Well, you know it's serious when your boyfriend who has been working in the subway system for the last 2 months gasps at the sight whatever is in your tub! Well he killed it (thankfully) but I was so freaked out that it took me a while before I could go back in the bathroom and even longer before I was ready to turn out the lights. I even left the bathroom light on overnight in case I had to go in the middle of the night. So we now have another problem to deal with.

We've pretty much decided that we'll be moving out in May...not what we expected. We had been hoping to find a place we could see ourselves living in for a couple of years. Last night and this morning we were even liking the idea of trying to break our lease! Argh

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