Friday, September 5

Playing the waiting game

For some reason, I decided that this week I was going to be a good consumer. As I mentioned, I ordered more yarn and the Denise needles. Then, yesterday, I also ordered stuff from Amazon. So, I'm also waiting for a USB CompactFlash card reader. This should make it easier to download pictures and not run my camera batteries into the ground as often. And finally, I ordered the new Black Rebel Motorcyle Club CD. Now the game begins...

I generally hate waiting. I'm willing to extend my patience bacause (1) these things will be coming to me, and (2) it will save me the hassle of taking the Metro/bus out to three or four stores to pick that things up. Also, that Amazon stuff is free thanks to a gift certificate that I was given for my b-day back in April. If all goes well, I could have all of these items in my grubby little hands by Monday!

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