Tuesday, September 9

Cracked up & lacking faith...

The weekend started out innocently enough...sunshine, friends. Unfortunately, I was quickly ended when I got in a traffic accident. Me, on bike, her in car! I was riding my bike. Saw a car coming from an alleyway; all traffic stopped; the car stopped (so I assumed she saw me) and I proceeded. This woman then tried to pull into traffic, moving right into me, forcing me into a traffic lane. I pressed my breaks, but too late, I hit the back of a mini van with my face!

Lucky, I only have a cracked tooth. But, of course I started crying like a little girl. Andrew was there with me and kept me as clam as possible. (Yeah, I know I'm the luckiest girl in the world). At that moment all I saw was blood and I couldn't stand the thought of him not being by my side. I was taken to the emergency room by ambulance (w/ Andrew at my side) with the assurance that an officer would come to the hospital. And, since the police showed up before I left I was mildly comforted. From the emergency room I went home and frantically looked for an emergency dentist to look at my tooth. Saturday, evening I got to go through the first step of a root canal. Do I know how to party, or what!?

Well, now it's Tuesday and I want some satisfaction/closure and it's nowhere to be found. No officer came to the hospital... So, Sunday morning was spent trying to find a police report, to no avail. Monday morning, I stayed home from work and tried to find a police report...also to no avail. Andrew even went with me to the police station to make sure my emotions stayed in check. I got a little comfort from one officer who basically told me that a report had to be made if I was taken to the hospital. So, you can only imagine my dismay when I got a call today from an Officer Davis...the officer who was on the scene. She "regretfully" told me that while she was in the ambulance getting some of my information, the woman who hit me somehow "left the scene." That's right boys and girls...The woman who hit me managed to get in her car and back her way down an alley avoiding a police cruiser and an ambulance that was sitting right in front of her!

So, now my case is a hit and run. Nothing I can do but suffer...both emotionally and financially. My faith in the Washington DC Metropolitan Police is completely erased.

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