Tuesday, July 29

It's shaping up to be a really unmotivated week. I got back from new york completely deprived of sleep and I still feel tired 2 days later. I had a blast over the weekend when, in reality, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. I just did it in a different city.

Andrew and I are still trying to get our dryer fixed. Our landlord called 2 times Friday night and 2 times Saturday morning while we were away. He kept calling Andrew's cell phone, so I decided to answer the damn thing and put us out of our misery. Turns out he wants us to try a different company to get the thing repaired. As long as I can get Bounce-fresh clothes this weekend, I don't care who cleans the god-forsaken thing.

I have also been trying to figure out the poncho idea. I have the yarn already. I just need to decide on whether to knit it as a single strand (22 st = 4") or double it (16 st = 4"). That might not seem like a big deal, but the number of rows per inch is very different. The pattern I'm kicking around in my head right now is from lacy scarf pattern that I have. I'm thinking of using that stitch pattern as a motif for the poncho. I tried casting on last night but had to rip it out this morning once I realized that I was supposed to start on a wrong side row. I'll give it another whirl tonight.

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