Wednesday, June 18

So, the week is half over. If only this rain were seems like it's been raining for the last month, straight. And, the ceiling in my livingroom sprang a leak again, even though my landlord was just out last weekend working on it. I guess I'll have to live a few more days with buckets all over the place.

I'm looking forward to this weekend because I'm getting out of least for a couple of days. I recently got back in touch with a friend from college and I'm dashing up to Philly so I can see her before she moves to Chicago. Complicated, huh?

I'm almost done with the first half of the skirt. I should have time this weekend to put up some pix. And, with all the time I'll have riding the bus, I should be able to kick out the second half. Finishing an item in little over a week will be a record for me...especially if I finish it and really like wearing it.

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