Monday, June 16

Day one...I'm not really sure what random thoughts this blog will attempt to chronicle. For now I'll just say that it will include anything that tickles my fancy. It's a Monday, so bare with me.

On friday I started "eyelet" from the new issue of knitty. So far so good...I've gotten as far as the eyelet section of the front. Hopefully I'll get a chance to take some pix of it.

Also, this weekend, I bought tickets to see blur...they're just about my most favorite band ever. I was ready to pay anything to see them, but I wasn't quite ready for the $65 price tag for 2 tix! I haven't spent that much on a ticket in many, many moons. I could go off on a tirade about how much ticket sellers are extorting from me just for the right to buy a ticket, but I'll let that go for now.

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