Friday, April 9

a year older, not much wiser...

So most people ask you silly questions when it's your birthday. You know the ones: "how old are you?," " do you feel older?," blah, blah, blah.

Well to tell you the truth. I don't feel older. I haven't gotten up and "felt older" since I turned 25. On my 25th birthday, I was in San Francisco and spent a lot of the day by myself while the friend I was visiting was at work. I got a few calls on my cell phone wishing my the best. And, the thing that made me feel older was this...I was the first time that I truly realized that I don't live in the same city, or even time zone, as a lot of my friends. I knew that keep these relationships would take work (and money). I didn't really feel alone, but I did feel like something was different.

At the end of the month, I am going to go back to visit that friend in SF. This time, I'm taking part of my posse with me. And, we're going to celebrate her birthday in style. So, hopefully, for a few days we all feel younger on someone's birthday.

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