Thursday, March 18

spring fling...

I'm looking forward to this weekend. I know it's gonna sound sick but I kind of like spring cleaning. And, with any luck my BF will cooperate in the endeavor. At this point we've lived together for about a year in our nicely sized 2 BR apartment. And, the things that we have argued over the most are space issues and money. Well, there's not much we can do about the money part but perhaps it's time to address the space issue.

When we first moved in, I thought that the 2nd room was going to be a guest room/office. Well, it seems that I forgot about my BF's tool bench. Yup, that's right, the room is taken up by a workbench and tools, instead of a desk and futon. The futon is in there, but doesn't do much. Most people don't really want to sleep in there since it's usually dirty. To tell you the truth, I don't even get to spend much time in there because it's messy and dirty. Perhaps, once we've complete the portion of the day where we throw things away, we'll think about reworking that room.

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