Tuesday, March 30

it's the latest craze...

I have got to have a hula hoop! I don't know why but last week I started thinking about how cool it would be to have a hula hoop. When I was in elementary school, I would spend the entire morning recess twirling. Sometimes, I would do it until my stomach hurt. So, I told my BF that I want one for my birthday. He kind of laughed and smirked. So, I've mentioned it every day since. I think he's starting to get the message.

This morning I went looking for info and found this. They even have instructions on making your own hoop. If I don't get one for my b-day, I might just have to make one myself! I could even get a super cool yarn and knit a cover for it.

Thursday, March 25

Monday, March 22

another monday morning...

I'm off to a very slow start this today. I really feel drained, and I'm still having a hard time focusing on any thing. I really have to get it together though.

I had a pretty productive weekend. On Saturday, my BF and I made some headway on the front closet. I was able to get him to reorganize his camping/outdoor gear. Now, it takes up a little less space. Also, we got rid of some books and old cassette tapes as well. Then, we were able to move some of his luggage, putting it under the bed. So, now we have a closet that you can see into. And, there's probably a good amount of space to hang things like out of season coats. Next, I'm going to move all of my things that are stored in the 2nd BR into that closet.

The Spring Fling has begun.

Thursday, March 18

spring fling...

I'm looking forward to this weekend. I know it's gonna sound sick but I kind of like spring cleaning. And, with any luck my BF will cooperate in the endeavor. At this point we've lived together for about a year in our nicely sized 2 BR apartment. And, the things that we have argued over the most are space issues and money. Well, there's not much we can do about the money part but perhaps it's time to address the space issue.

When we first moved in, I thought that the 2nd room was going to be a guest room/office. Well, it seems that I forgot about my BF's tool bench. Yup, that's right, the room is taken up by a workbench and tools, instead of a desk and futon. The futon is in there, but doesn't do much. Most people don't really want to sleep in there since it's usually dirty. To tell you the truth, I don't even get to spend much time in there because it's messy and dirty. Perhaps, once we've complete the portion of the day where we throw things away, we'll think about reworking that room.

eek! the clock is ticking...

So, the announcement for the position that will be my promotion went up today. I have exactly 2 weeks to get my resume updated and an "application" filled out. I used to work really well under pressure...I hope that statement is still true. I'm thinking I'll barricade myself at my cubicle and stay late one day next week.

Tuesday, March 16

more active...

As you may recall, becoming more active was one of my resolutions for the year. Well, it's starting to work! Last Saturday my BF and I went for a bike ride. We made it all the way from our place to Old Town Alexandria. That's about 10 miles, and we did it in about 1hr 15 min.

My BF had never been to Old Town so it was about time he saw what it was about. There's really only one way to describe Old Town, quaint. It's not cool hip. So, we walked around for a bit and had lunch. Then we took the Metro back home.

I did talk him into going to the new yarn shop that opened up. I just checked out the space figuring I can go back by myself for their grand opening in a couple of weeks. It space is cute...even though I don't really like the pink theme. And the selection seemed pretty good.

whoa is me...

I'm having a hard to keeping things together. Really, I'm starting to feel like things are splitting at the seams. Knitting is alright and I'm doing alright with the poncho. But, when it comes to other areas, I just can't concentrate. A lot of days I even feel like I stumble my way through.

Usually when I get like this I have to resort to lists. That's right, the dreaded to-do list. So, this week's list is as follows:
__ clean front hall closet
__ switch clothes in trunk
__ finish front half of poncho
__ mail tax returns
__ update resume - for promotion
__ plan meals for coming week

I'm sure this is just a start...but, it's also the bare minimum that I want done by Sunday.

Friday, March 12

return of...the friday five

1. What was the last song you heard?
yo la tengo - saturday

2. What were the last two movies you saw?
Annie Hall and Anything Else...It was a Woody Allen weekend.

3. What were the last three things you purchased?
yarn (4-ply cotton), yarn (tlc plus), and lunch yesterday

4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?
finish my taxes, call friends, book a hotel for Napa, and grocery shopping

5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
co-workers, my BF, my friend J, mom, and dad

Friday, March 5

i love cola!

El Presidente finally made it official...I get the rest of my pay raise.

That just means I can feel my little fingers inching. And, even though my pay check will probably only go up about $20 a pay period, I'm thinking of getting something special. Like, maybe the new Rowan magazine and make the the cute top I mentioned the other day. Oh, I can't wait!

Tuesday, March 2

pack rat...

There's not other word for it. I love to hold on to clothes...The kind of stuff that you find at the thrift store for a buck. So, at this point I've got tons of really fun vintage clothes. Some that fit really well and some that don't. And, I really hate to get rid of this stuff but it's taking up way too much space in my closet.

I did get rid of a big bag of old, out-of-date clothes this weekend. My BF and I went to a Village Thrift on Saturday morning. The bag has been sitting in my closet since we first moved in together. And, although I was tempted to take a couple of items out I resisted. I also got rid of a pair of shoes that I haven't worn in years.

And, of course, while I was there I picked up some new digs. I got a couple of cute slips, one of them is orange. I figure it can add just a splash of sass to skirts this spring. I also got a couple of tops and a dress.

**Oh, and I'm giving myself 5 pts toward my resolution to straighten up my closet since I got rid of that stuff.**