Wednesday, November 26


For the most part, yes. I am very thankful. I know that I am living very comfortably at this time in my life and that the future is more hopeful than not.

I am thankful that my grandmother will be with us to celebrate this upcoming holiday season. See, she fell and broke her hip this spring and went through a very long, frustrating recovery. I had never seen my grandmother cry before...I don't even remember her crying at my grandfather's funeral. She was a very strong, independent woman who had been living on her own for over a decade. But, after the fall, she wasn't able to take care of herself...and she cried because of the way the nurses were treating her at the rehab facility. I'm thankful that she found the will to get over her injury and that she is able to rest comfortably in her own home (where she has lived for over 50 years).

I'm also thankful for my BF...he's honestly the highlight of my day (everyday). He has supported me whenever I needed it and I love him for it. He has also become my best friend, sharing many of my thoughts and dreams.

At the same time, there are a few things that have happened to me this year that have left a chip on my shoulder...#1 on that list is the chip that was in my tooth. See, I am very thankful that the accident had not been worse. And, I realize that my good health will now continue into the new year and for years to come. But I can't help but still feel slighted by the police failings and some anger toward the woman who left me there to pay for this damage. My ego is also bruised every time I look at my new crown. It looks fine (very convincing even) but I know that it's something I'll have to think about for the rest of my life.

I am also left a little more pessimistic about the future of our country. I have a younger cousin who is in the Navy and fear that he might have to see the front line in the Gulf. I don't like the fact that the men and women who volunteered to defend our country are being used to establish a new government in a land where they are unwelcome.

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