Tuesday, January 10


It's been a few years since I've made new year's resolutions. It's also been a few years since I've blogged here. It only seems natural that I might try blogging my resolutions!

My resolutions this year look much like they have in the past. By never fully achieving these goals any making them part of lifestyle, I'm doomed to see them reappear over and over. So here's the list for 2012:

1. Get fit and exercise more. AF and I ordered a treadmill. Once it get's here, I'm going to start with 30 minutes a day. I'm sure I'll start with walking, but hope to move on to running.
2. Eat more fruits and vegetables. I like to think that I eat fairly well, but I've been noticing that most of my snack involve dairy. I'm going to make more of an effort to include fruit or veg as part of my snacks throughout the day. I'd also like to sneak some into breakfast when possible.
3. Be more organized. This weekend, I took a load of clothes and cast off good to Goodwill. It felt great to reclaim some of the floorspace in the basement. I'd like to keep it up. By the end of the year, I'd like to have all of my closets serving an actual purpose other where I stuff things when company comes over.
4. Improve overall health. I'm going to make an effort to visit every doctor this year. Since having G, I've only made time to visit my OB. This year, I need to find a new GP, dentist, and eye doctor.
5. Drink less coffee. I usually only drink coffee in the morning, so I don't think I drink a lot of coffee. Unfortunately, I've been suffering bouts of insomnia. I'm going to cut back on coffee to see whether it's one of the roots of my sleepless nights. I'm drinking tea at the office, but I still get coffee on weekends.
6. Drink less alcohol during the week. Like coffee, I don't drink a lot of alcohol. However, I think that the drinks I have each night are contributing to the pounds I've put on over the last year.
7. Create a morning and evening routine. I'm still have no sense of organization about my mornings. I want to develop a short list of things that I could do before bed to make my morning easier and a short list of things to do when I get up to make the whole day go more smoothly.

Wish me luck!

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