Friday, March 25

back to the beach...

I'm going back to Phase I for a week (or two). Surprisingly, I've been holding steady weightwise, but I've been eating very poorly. Since Maya got here, I haven't had time to go grocery shopping. In New York, we ate out every meal, and I have only cooked once since getting back to DC. I've really enjoyed the food, but I'm starting to feel pretty bloated and run down.

Tonight, we're going to have tapas at Rumba Café. What I love about this place is that the tapas aren't strictly Spanish. They incorporate a lot of South American and Caribbean flavors as well. Tomorrow, my BF has invited our friend Paul over for dinner. Paul has a culinary degree, specializing in French cuisine. But, he's always wanted to learn how to make pierogi. So, the plan is that the two of them will spend the day making them, then we'll have a dinner party...I'm pretty excited that I won't have to cook!

So, my plan is to enjoy this weekend while Maya is still in town. On Sunday, I'll go over to Safeway and buy everything I need to go back to Phase I. Hopefully after a week, I won't feel like snacking and eating salty, fried food. If I still have cravings, I'll continue for a second week. At this point, I'm not looking to loose any more weight. I just want to sweet/snack tooth to turn off again.

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