Friday, January 7

i'm gettin' a kitten...

Woohoo! Last year around festivus, I told my BF that I wanted a cat. At that point we had been living together for about 8 months. We were still working out the kinks of where things go, what we could get rid of, know, still settling in. We both decided that even though it would be cool to have a pet, we didn't have space for the essentials that we would need.

Since then, we've discovered that there is cat that lives in our back alley. Our downstairs neighbor feeds the cat and brings it into his apt every once in a while. So, over time, the cat has become very friendly and will come talk to us whenever we hang out back there. I think that being around this cat has warmed my BF up to the idea of getting us our own!

So, this festivus, he said he would get me my own cat. I'm really excited! And, it's funny, he's being a little more particular about what cat we get. He definitely wants a kitten, and he prefers to get a Siamese. So, this weekend I'm going to take down the Christmas tree and start "cat-proofing" our apartment. I'll probably spend the next couple of weeks reorganizing some of the closet to make room for things that are usually out on the bookshelves and desk.

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