Monday, December 27

where has the year gone?

2004 is almost over...It has gone by very quickly and with little pain (compared to last year). The highlight of my year was the trip out to Cali to see college friends, including 2 days in Napa. I wish I could take a trip like that one every own little vacation club.

I'm really looking forward to 2005. I have settled into my job and feel comfortable with the direction that things are heading. I feel like I can move forward with a lot of things I want to do in my private life now that I don't have to worry about looking for work. My relationship with my BF also remains strong...having made it through 18 months living together.

I have started thinking about resolutions for the new year. There aren't any lofty goals of making myself a better person or bring peace to the world. (Not that I don't want to do that too). This year, my resolutions read more like a to-do list. There are a few things that I have been wanting to do for the last six months, and they are there as a reminder. There are also a lot of mundane tasks/purchases that I want to make sure happen. So, for 2005, I hope to:

  1. maintain my weight at ~125lbs
  2. begin taking yoga -- I hope to go at least once a week
  3. pay off the remaining balance on my student loan
  4. save $3,500 -- It may seem like a small amount of $, but it's better than no savings
  5. pay off all credit card debt
  6. close unneeded/unused credit cards
  7. join stitch 'n' bitch dc...i mean actually go to their weekly gathering
  8. buy a new mattress
  9. clean and organize my closets...this is an on-going effort.
  10. take on a few sewing projects
  11. stick to my yarn diet
  12. visit's been a year since my last trip north
  13. redesign blog(s)
  14. sign up for first-time homebuyer education...
  15. buy a new computer...already done!

It seems like a lot of things to think about. I believe that everything on that list is "do-able" in 2005.